

Introducing The Worlds Most Efficient

Solar Hot Water System

Reduce Your Electric Bill By Up-to 40% With Just 4 solar panels and a Sun Flux ™

Eliminate Your Single Largest Expense, In The Most Simple & Cost Effective Way Possible!

Introducing The Ultimate

Solar Hot Water System

Built On Our Solar 2.0 DC Modulation Technology™ 

Independently tested by The University Of Melbourne. 

Designed & Developed Down Under In Australia

$87.99 Value




Power Saver Handbook

30 Essential Tips To Take Control Of Your Energy Usage, Slash Power Bills and Start Saving Real Money.

“The power saver handbook is packed with low cost and no cost strategies that have helped me reduce my quarterly power bills, and given me a better understanding of what’s costing me money in my home”

– Cherie N.

Latest News

How Solar Inverters Convert DC Solar Power into AC

How Solar Inverters Convert DC Solar Power into AC

Solar panels generate direct current (DC) electricity, which is not compatible with the alternating current (AC) electricity used in most homes and buildings. This means that in order to use the power generated by solar panels, it must first be converted into AC...

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Going Solar in California

Going Solar in California

California is one of the leading states in the US when it comes to promoting the use of solar energy and encouraging residents to invest in solar panels. The state offers several solar rebates to help homeowners and businesses offset the cost of installing a solar...

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The Solar Flip

The Solar Flip

Investing in a home and installing solar can be a smart financial decision with numerous benefits. Not only will you save on your monthly energy bills, but you'll also increase the value of your property. According to a report by the National Renewable Energy...

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The 5 most expensive to run appliances in your home

Running appliances in the home can significantly contribute to your monthly energy bill. To help you save money and reduce your energy usage, it's important to understand which appliances are the most expensive to run. Here are the top five most expensive appliances...

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Performance verified by the university of melbourne, Australia

Sun Flux Case Study

Home Saves $90 In 1 Month With Sun Flux System!

Results may vary. Savings depending on hot water consumption in your home. More hot water usage means more potential savigs! 

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